The Art of Inspired Creativity

We are all born creators, divine manifestations of the creative process, as living, breathing spiritual beings in human form, consciously created by and uniquely designed in the image of the MasterCreator of all things. Creativity, therefore, is your natural birthright, whether you are aware of it or not. YOU are uniquely creative and blessed with infinite potential to turn thoughts into things. To manifest your choices into reality, you simply choose from the unlimited possibilities readily available to you from the field of pure potentiality.

Creative inspiration, or inspired creativity, is an unconditional gift from Source, arising from deep within our soul. It is a fluid and infinite stream of inspired thoughts and ideas flowing freely from a bottomless well that springs eternal from consciousness itself.

Through creative inspiration, or inspired creativity, you can exercise your mind and develop your Vision, as well as create ideas and find opportunity and resources to manifest your Vision. Train your mind to leverage the creative process so you can effectively utilize intuition.

Be open to divine guidance in the form of signs from the Universe – sometimes the seeds of opportunity are cloaked in adversity’s skins. Our trials and tribulations become our triumphs and activate our superpowers. Our pain points become our power points, as we power through our pain and struggle, becoming a stronger, more resilient, upgraded version of ourselves in the process.

Out of our darkest moments emerge our greatest breakthroughs, exposing us to the blinding light of truth and authenticity at the end of the tunnel, transforming us at our core in the process. Just as order arises out of chaos, so can our mess become our powerful message.

We must embrace the oneness and totality of life, letting go of our egoic attachments and moving beyond the mental constructs of the world of duality. Accept each moment as it is, without judgment or resistance, to experience life fully, in all of its beauty and horror, simplicity and complexity, pleasure and pain. This is what Jon Kabat-Zinn refers to as “full catastrophe living,” a concept that is also the title of his bestselling book on Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR), a form of meditation focused on present moment awareness and acceptance.

Everything happens for a reason, Each experience serves us on a higher level – it is either a blessing or lesson. Trust the process and believe that life is happening for us, not to us. Nature makes no mistakes – there are no accidents – life is unfolding according to a divine plan.

Developing morning rituals and mindfulness practices are key to changing your mindset. Make them part of your daily routine and you will set yourself up for success, reinforcing positive, empowering habits and creating new neural connections and neural pathways in your brain. In doing so, you will replace your old negative thoughts and habits that you learned unconsciously through your early past experiences, those self-limiting beliefs that sabotaged your success in the past by blocking your creative process and keeping you stuck in a preemptive problem-solving loop.

Set an intent / goal every morning (or the night before), something you want to create or a feeling state you want to experience – write it down, speak it aloud, and meditate on it, to MANIFEST it into your reality. Visualize the end result as if it already is yours, as if it already happened, and experience it in real time through all your senses – experience the sights, sounds, smells, feelings (emotional and physical sensations) and tastes of that future reality in the present moment.

Don’t obsess on the “How” or the process – just set your intention based on an end result you desire, without judgment or reservation. Be open to all possibilities and routes of delivery – don’t limit your creative potential by expecting it to manifest through the most sensible and orderly course of action. Just allow things to unfold naturally, and do the next right thing, allowing your intuition to guide you to the next step, or the next miracle.

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Know Thyself

Before you start manifesting your dreams, it’s essential that you get clear about what you want and your “Why.”

This means you need to do some inner work, which requires getting honest with yourself. Understanding your personality type, recognizing patterns of self-sabotage, identifying “stinking thinking” and freeing your mind from self-limiting beliefs, and gaining insight into your temperament will assist you in getting the clarity you need

For my entire life, as far back as I can remember, I was looking for a word to define how emotionally (and physically) sensitive I was to both internal and external stimuli… I seemed to process sensory stimulation differently than most people.

About 10 years ago, I learned of the term HSP, an acronym for “Highly Sensitive Person.” HSP’s make up about 20% of the population, in both humans and animals. This highly sensitive trait is typically identified in the rarest personality type on the Myers-Briggs scale, INFJ. HSP’s are similar to Empaths. In fact, many HSP’s identify as Empaths as well.

According to Judith Orloff, M.D., who is a Psychiatrist and an Empath, Empaths share all the same traits as HSP’s, however Empaths experience these traits to a higher extreme because they can sense subtle energy and actually absorb it from other people and environments into their own bodies. Additionally, Empaths have “profound spiritual and intuitive experiences — with animals, nature, or their inner guides,” which are not typical of HSP’s.

I earned my B.A. in Psychology in 1991, but back then the term HSP was not yet in use. In fact, Dr. Elaine Aron, who coined the term HSP, began studying the “temperament trait” in 1991 because she was keenly aware of it in herself. The technical term for this experience of “sensory overload” is “Sensory Processing Sensitivity” (SPS). Having the highly sensitive trait sets us up to thrive in certain environments, while having unique challenges in others. In other words, it is a gift and a curse, as I often say.

Even as a child, I was keenly aware I was different from most people, having felt that way for as long as I can remember. I now attribute this to my sensory experience of life as both an INFJ/HSP and an Empath.

At the young age of 11 years old I was writing poetry about heartache, loss, love, hypocrisy, death, even suicide – what did I know personally about any of that? All I knew was what I experienced and felt vicariously through others’ experiences… regardless of whether I actually witnessed it, or heard about it second hand, or simply watched a movie or read a book about it. I literally would become sick from the overwhelm I felt in response to the painful experiences and feelings of others, as if the experienced event and associated emotions were happening to me!

I had yet to actually experience life’s difficulties, but already I felt life was meant to be tragic and full of suffering for me. I couldn’t understand why the rest of the world seemed to be unbothered and unaffected by all the tragedy and suffering in the world, going about their lives as if nothing was amiss. “Were they dead inside?” I often wondered to myself. Apathy was a foreign concept to me.

I identified with tortured artists and writers like Kurt Cobain, Jim Morrison, Sylvia Plath … I identified with JD Salinger’s character Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye to the point of obsession. I was deeply affected by “The Little Prince” by Antoine St. Exupéry, having read and analyzed the story in Psychology class. It was during that high school Psychology class that I realized Psychology was the field for me, as I began my lifelong quest to “fix” myself and everyone else…

I analyzed every moment, feeling, event… any perception or deviation was data to be analyzed… there were layers of meaning to everything I read or observed (that others seemed oddly oblivious to). This pattern laid the foundation for my insatiable thirst for knowledge and answers to life’s big questions, and fueled my passion to relieve suffering and promote compassion in the world.

I was guided, or rather misguided, by my self-limiting belief that my purpose for existence was to suffer in order to save everyone else… similar to my favorite literary character Holden Caulfield, the politically incorrect and tragically misunderstood anti-hero in the controversial but critically acclaimed book by J.D. Salinger, “Catcher in the Rye.” (If you haven’t read that book, it’s a must read!)

It is important to know if you are a Highly Sensitive Person, not only to validate your feelings, but also to develop a hardy self-awareness that will reduce your overwhelm and prepare you to handle challenges more effectively going forward.

I will discuss HSP’s in greater depth in subsequent blog posts, and possibly create a video training to supplement my written content. Even if you do not identify as one, you may recognize the highly sensitive trait in others whom you interact with. Armed with this newfound clarity, you will gain valu V V able insight into their psyche and develop empathy that will give you an edge in establishing rapport and communicating effectively with HSP’s, of benefit to your personal and professional relationships.

©️2021 Lisa G Pearlman

I scored 7 out of 7. How many did you identify with?

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Dare to Dream

Dreams are never lost or stolen, only abandoned. It is never too late to create the reality you once envisioned for yourself, to live the life you intended to live, before daily life got in the way.

Hopes and Dreams are as essential to living as breath is essential to life! Without hopes and dreams, we stay stuck in mediocrity at best, and lose the will to survive, at worst. We just resign ourselves to being a passive non-participant in life; we become numb, or apathetic, as we disconnect from our experience of living, and simply allow events and circumstances to happen to us.

Often victims of abuse or people in captivity will disassociate from their experience, because they have lost hope and no longer dare to dream – they just exist and submit to what they believe is their fate.

Never stop dreaming – as long as you are alive, you have the ability to dream. Your imagination, your inner vision, is the one thing that can not be taken from you, even when you have been stripped of everything else.

In his autobiographical book “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl credits his hopes and dreams as his sole means of survival against the Nazis, empowering him during his demoralizing and horrifying ordeal as a prisoner in the concentration camp during the Holocaust.

Dare to dream and believe in yourself. You are powerful beyond measure. I believe in you! Believe in yourself, and your dreams become goals that you can manifest with focused attention, unbridled passion, burning desire and consistent action.

If you are ready to start creating your dream life, I’d love to help you navigate your journey to freedom and abundance. You can click the link below to join a community of heart entered entrepreneurs working together to monetize their unique gifts, skills and passion. In doing so, we are changing lives, helping people, and freeing up time and money to follow our dreams and do what we love.

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Transformation of Self

🦋 “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” 🦋

Maya Angelou

Similarly, to achieve success and enjoy all the benefits that come with it, we must undergo a #transformation of self. We must tap into our inner well of potential to become the person who is capable and worthy of success, our highest version of self, the self we were meant to be.

The person you are when you begin your journey does not yet have the necessary habits and characteristics to foster success. You develop them as you work toward your goals and learn through practice and repetition, modifying and making changes as you make mistakes along the way.

©️2022 Image created by Lisa G Pearlman using A.I. text-to-image technology via Wonder app on iphone.

Trust in the process, it is only through trial and error that you improve your game.

Fail forward and #Success will follow.

☄️“Sometimes you win and sometimes you learn.” 💥

John Maxwell

Begin by taking initial baby steps in the direction you want to go.

Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Accept uncertainty as part of life’s mystery – be okay with “not knowing” – some things are meant to remain unknowable. You are not going to have all the answers before you start, you won’t even know the right questions to ask, but that’s OK. As you take action and implement, questions will come to mind, and you will be provided with the answers that you need, as you need them.

Be patient. Allow life to progress at its own pace… let the story unfold on God’s schedule, rather than your distorted perception of time. Don’t rush through the journey and forsake clarity and experiential lessons in a madcap pursuit of a hazy destination. You will arrive on time, just as Nature is always on time.

Although seemingly without rhyme or reason, there is a time and a season for everything. We may not know why or how, but everything happens for a reason. Enjoy the scenery along the road to success… every experience enriches the journey and leaves ripples of impact.

Embrace wonder and know that more will be revealed.

©️2022 Lisa G Pearlman

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Webtalk Invite

Webtalk is the world’s first all-in-one relationship management platform that pays real cash for your engagement.

You can now join free through my invite link by clicking the banner, and experience the future of networking before it is debuted to the world.

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Content Marketing Strategy

Happy #SuperSoulSunday fam!

Let’s talk about Content Marketing as an essential tool for building an audience and sharing our message via social media.

SocialMedia refers to the online global collective of websites and applications used by people and organizations all around the world to connect or network with one another, share information or content, and communicate virtually. It provides a space for and a means of individual connection and self-expression. Companies and small businesses use the power of social media to develop their brand and build customer loyalty.


❓When you post on social media, do you follow a strategy for creating and/or curating the content you share?
❓Do you post consistently?
❓Or do you just post random stuff at random times, without any rhyme or reason?

❓Do you even know who your target audience is?
❓In other words, do you know who you are trying to reach or help with your content, business, service, product or message?

It is essential to know who your target audience is so you can plan your Content Marketing strategy according to the 4 C’s in the image below.

Your strategy should include a plan for crafting and curating content that
✅ resonates with your target audience,
✅ provides value and
✅ builds rapport.

You should design your content to attract as well as repel, so you can separate out those who do not resonate with your message and values. This helps you to weed out those who are irrelevant or inappropriate and hone in on your desired tribe.

Let your vibe attract your tribe.

In addition to the 4 C’s, your content should provide value in the form of the 4 E’s, as follows:

  1. Enlighten
  2. Entertain
  3. Educate
  4. Empower

Finally, you should include a daily CTA, or Call to Action, so your audience is clear about what their next move should be to receive higher value and more benefits from you.

For example, I help Heart-centered Entrepreneurs, Creative Freelancers, Lightworkers & Passionate Creators access the best business and marketing tools, services, content & education to create a purpose-driven life of fulfillment and freedom.

I help them to change their mind and smash their self-limiting beliefs, and show them how to create and monetize a personal brand around their unique Superpower.

If any of this resonates with you, go to

so I can help you start or grow your personal brand or online business, leveraging your own piece of digital real estate and digital assets, and using the power of Content Marketing.

Get your FREE GIFT ($1997 value) and discover the fastest, simplest, most meaningful pathway to Financial Freedom. Become a MasterCreator of your life today!

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Beyond These Walls

A Lesson on The Power of Perspective and its Role in Shifting Reality

Where one inmate sees only iron prison bars on his window and looks away in disgust, his cellmate looks through the same barred window and is moved to tears at the sight of the most glorious sunset he has ever seen.

The first man curses God for his suffering in captivity, while the second praises God and thinks to himself:

“God is so good to allow me to view the same beautiful sunset from my prison cell that my family is seeing at home. I am blessed with a moment of awe and beauty that takes me outside the walls of this prison, if only in my mind’s eye.”

Both men are living under the same physical circumstances – both interpreting the same situation, the same objective reality. So how can their individual reactions be so contradictory? Why are their individual perspectives so drastically different from one another that they seem to reflect two different scenarios?

“There is beauty to be found in the most barren of places, among the most unlikely of spots, hidden behind the most ugly of facades, deep within the darkest corners of decay and depravity. You need only open your heart to see through walls.”
~ ©️ 2020 Lisa Pearlman


“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; What is essential is invisible to the eye.”
~ Antoine de Saint Exupéry (“The Little Prince”)

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~ Dr. Wayne Dyer

©️2022 Lisa G Pearlman
(Image can be purchased at )

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Castles in the Air

All great inventions start in someone’s mind. To bring them to fruition takes planning, repetitive sessions of trial and error, often supplemented by testimony from both experts and laymen, and a strong foundation to withstand the test of time, by supporting both long-term demand and fulfillment at a mass level.

Never discount an idea as having no merit. All ideas have value and are worth consideration. But to be truly useful, an idea must be shared with others and acted upon in the physical world, so it may grow and transform into its full potential.

Imagine if Einstein, Thomas Edison or Nikolai Tesla kept their ideas and theories to themselves? We might still be sitting in the dark, both figuratively and literally, never benefiting from the massive technological revolution that exploded onto the scene and transformed our world in so many amazing ways over the past 100 years.

As my mentor Wayne Dyer famously said, “Don’t die with your music still in you.”

Share your “song, story, idea, dream…” with the world, so others can appreciate your unique contribution and be inspired to share their own unique value as well.

I believe each of us is here for a reason, and part of our purpose is to share the unique gifts within us, for each of us to leave a lasting legacy as testament of our individual lives as matters of extraordinary consequence and irreplaceable value.

Live your truth and purpose, authentically and unapologetically!! You are Boss of your own life, so make Boss choices with confidence and intention! Life is what you make of it!

Leave #Nodreamleftbehind!

I love each and every one of YOU!

Be YOU unapologetically!

Love and Light,


©️2021 Lisa G Pearlman
(I shot this image on my iPhone in Warwick, RI by the ocean)

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Did You Unwrap Your Gift?

We all have our special gifts… our talents or superpowers that are uniquely ours. We’ve all been gifted by God prior to our manifestation in human form… sadly not everyone unwraps his/her gift, instead allowing his/her unfulfilled potential to die with his/her physical body, to never be seen or heard by anyone, its impact never to be felt or experienced in the world.

“Have you unwrapped your gift?”

There’s still time.

Although unwrapping your gift is the first step, it is not enough in and of itself.

Sometimes assembly is required,

or batteries are not included…

It is up to you to add your own juice… your own passion… to charge it up and activate its power so you may share it with the world!

Your personal passion is the spark that ignites your super power… YOU provide the fire from within to power up your God-given talent, your unique miracle gift!

“Don’t die with your music still in you.” ~ Wayne Dyer

Payitforward! 🙏🏼💜💯


©️2022 Lisa G Pearlman
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How to Make Money Online (From Home, or Anywhere in the World)

There are many different ways to make money at home, or from anywhere in the world. You can do it by starting your own business, by getting a remote job or by finding some type of work from home opportunity.

If you are looking for a way to earn extra money from home then you have come to the right place. Over the last several years, and after much trial and error, I have painstakingly become a “Work From Home” expert of sorts.

You will find many different types of work from home opportunities out there. You may be able to find one that suits your skills and interests perfectly. This could include something like data entry or transcription, or creating topical content in the form of written blog posts, sales copy, graphics, videos, emails and social media posts. There are also other types of opportunities available such as affiliate marketing, freelance writing, course creation and many others.

If you have been thinking about trying to start your own business then this is the time to do so. You should look into what it takes to start a business in order to avoid any mistakes. Mentorship is the best way to shortcut the learning curve.

There are many different types of businesses you can choose from. The most popular ones are franchises and online businesses. These are both very good choices if you want to earn extra money at home.

A franchise is an established company that has been around for awhile and has already proven itself. It will allow you to earn extra money at home by using their system. They have all the training and support you need. You will not have to worry about any problems because they will take care of everything. The downside is the cost of buying into an established business.

An online business is also a great option. You can build your own website and market products to people all over the world. You can sell physical products or digital products. With an online business you will have to learn how to set up your website and promote it.

If you want to earn extra money from home but don’t know where to start then you should consider joining an affiliate program. It is by far the easiest and most lucrative way to get started earning money from the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world. You will have to promote the product that is being offered through your affiliate link. This means that you will get a commission for every sale made that comes from your referral link. You will not have to do anything other than provide the link to the prospect or customer.

These are just some of the many different ways to earn extra money at home that you can choose from. If you are looking for more information or specific earning methods then you should check out our site below.

MasterCreators 100K Challenge

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